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Tips For Celebrating Independence Day With Your Pet

This 4th of July will be special to us all! We’re sure that many of you may be planning a day of festivities to take place this weekend. The Fourth of July marks an annual celebration for most that involves barbecuing, spending time outside, celebrating, and watching an exciting display of fireworks. You may be arranging to host the gathering at your home, visiting friends or family after being inside during the quarantine.

1. FIDO SAFETY You may want to bring your fido with you to an small gathering, but if you think they might be frighten or upset by loud noises I’d consider leaving them at home. The anxiety from that situation can cause stress and even lead to possibly running away to hide.Top tips for enjoying Memorial Day with your Dog

2.People food is an NO NO

One of the most relevant issues for dogs on every holiday is eating human or people food. Some people food won’t hurt our dog, but some can be deadly. Alcoholic drinks are commonly associated with Fourth of July celebrations. Be sure not to leave drinks where a dog can reach them, your pet could become intoxicated and weak. He could also become severely depressed or slip into a coma. In severe cases, respiratory distress could lead to death.

3. Keep lighter fluid and matches away from pets.

Just like alcohol is potentially dangerous for your pet, so are chlorates, the chemical substances found in some matches and lighter fluid. If ingested, these products can cause your dog issues with breathing, damage to blood cells, and even kidney disease. Make sure these items are in a secure location that your dog cannot access during 4th of July celebrations.

4. Be Sure Your Pup Is Staying Comfortable

It can be quite difficult for humans to stay cool and deal with the heat and humidity, much less our pets who have a permanent fur coat. It is easy for us to shed layers in an attempt to stay cool, but our furry friends are not as lucky. By keeping them in a cool climate as much as possible on 4th Of July, this is a simple step that aids the process of keeping our pups comfortable as possible. When removing one of these factors such as heat, pets now only have one uncomfortable issue to deal with, the loud noises and the bright flashes from fireworks.

5. Make sure they have proper identification– While it’s safe for your dog to wear a collar every day, even if he/she is microchipped, it’s especially important during this holiday weekend! If your pup does run away, identification tags are the fastest way to get him/her back safely. Plus, a little patriotic wear will make for a great photo op with your pup!

6. Only use products on your pet that are safe for animal use.

As it may seem like using sunscreen or bug repellant on your pet to protect it from the sun’s rays or even from an onslaught of bugs. However, even if products are safe for you to use, they may not be safe for your pet. Using sunscreen on your pet could cause such poisonous effects as drooling, vomiting, and diarrhea, and DEET may even cause neurological issues.

7. Check your dog thoroughly for any injuries when you return home. Some pets may become so upset by the noise that they chew their skin raw. Other dogs may hurt themselves if they try to escape. Make sure to keep your dog secured in a room that is free of dangers, such as dangling power cords, furniture that is easily tipped over, etc.

8. Turn on the TV, radio or music

Try to drown out the fireworks noise. Turn on the television or radio. It will make the loud booms stand out less to your pet versus if the room was quiet.

9.Don’t Change Your Pet Diet

Make sure while you’re out enjoying 4th of July with friends that you keep an close eye on your pet as there will be a lot of temptations around for your pet to possible ingest while you’re looking away for an second.

Be safe while having fun this weekend during the 4th of July and always make sure your pet safety is your main concern during the festivities.

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