Everyone loves play time with their pups, but no one likes the clean up. Here are all the reasons it's important to pick up after your dog
Did you know that the first week of April is International Pooper Scooper Week? Even though this "holiday" begins on April Fool's Day, it is no joke. The seven-day event, dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of scooping poop, was conceived by The Association of Professional Animal Waste Specialists in 2008 and has been going strong ever since.
Please don't poo-poo the professional poop pundits who want you to pick up after your dog. There are several very good reasons to clean up Rover's mess as you stroll through your neighborhood. Read on to learn the 5 most important!
1. Poo Presents a Problem for Pedestrians
Have you ever stepped in a pile of dog poop? It's inherently disgusting, but it can also be difficult to remove from the treads on sneakers or boots. If you're not able to clean your footwear immediately, the odor will accompany you wherever you go.
In addition, it's just the right thing to do. No one likes having to dodge dog deposits during their daily constitutional. It's unsightly and smelly and an overall blight on the beauty of nature.
2. Dog Droppings Are Bacteria-Laden
One of the reasons that dog excrement is so foul is the typical dog diet: meat, meat, and more meat. This also means that it's chock-a-block with bacteria and parasites. Therefore, evacuation equals contamination.
The festering foulness in a pile of fresh feces can easily be tracked indoors if an unsuspecting passerby steps in it. But it also poses a hazard for animals, including other dogs, who often want nothing more than to examine their canine compatriots' waste up close and personally.
3. It's Hazardous To Our H20
The damage that parasites and bacteria can do is bad enough if the pile simply sits there on the sidewalk or ground. Yet its ill effects extend to the groundwater supply. Just a few of the nasty bugs, worms, and germs that can end up in our H20 are:
E. coli
Drink water that has been contaminated by Fido's former lunch and you run the risk of serious illness befalling everyone in your household, humans and pets alike.
4. It's a Natural Source of Nitrogen, and That's No Good
If you've ever left your pupper's piles of poop in place for a period of time, you know that the grass underneath will turn yellow and eventually die. That's because of the high levels of nitrogen in Nipper's waste.
Not only that, but nitrogen depletes the oxygen in water, which can adversely affect fish, aquatic animals, and underwater vegetation.
5. Leaving It Behind Is Illegal
In many areas of the country, it's against the law to leave your canine companion's mess where it lies. In New York City, for example, walking away without cleaning up your pet's waste is punishable by a $50 fine -- and that's just for the first offense!
To Pick Up After Your Dog Is Common Courtesy
People who collect and properly dispose of dog poop are demonstrating respect for their fellow man, responsible pet ownership, and stewardship of the planet. So whether you choose to share your home with a Husky, co-exist with a Corgi, or dwell with a Doberman, be sure to pick up after your dog.
If you need some assistance, get in touch. We'll be happy to do the dirty work for you!
